This poem reflects my feelings regarding the police violence and the riots. I am so tired of seeing the same thing over again. I really try to spot the good in it all with tears running down my face. I can't help but to feel that I've grown up with these young people who are slain because their neighborhoods look familiar to mine and I can understand the frustration when all hell breaks loose. It seems as if people walk blind to your environment until it is up in flames and the very people that the violence has erupted with was on their last straw. I really try to look at both sides but it is hard to be empathetic when the cops seem to be enjoying it. I will never understand anyone who enjoys killing another human being, or see their family suffering from the lost of their love one. I just don't understand. I want too. I will love to sit down with a cop and he or she just helps me understand why the good cops want protect the citizens that they have sworn to protect and serve. We all have a right to due justice, and a right to life that shouldn't be taken away from someone who desires to take matters into their own hands. God has given me a platform to use, and that is through creativity that I can express my feelings and maybe it will touch someone else. My words aren't meant to spread hate. My words are meant to spark up a conversation because things are getting out of control. Maybe the media doesn't desire to air the good cops, I've seen some and know some, but it isn't just right to be a good cop where no one sees you, in these days and times they need to record it. They need to come out and denounce the use of deadly force and brutality. How powerful would it be for a cop to take a stand with the people and not against the people? Are our cameras capturing the violence and not the opportunity to touch one of those who are angry? I really want to understand, but I have been trying to get it since Trayvon Martin and I haven't gotten it since.
I want to start a war by Matasha Lee
I want to start a
I want to be angry at
the injustice I see,
No more, yes sir, no
I will not wear my cotton picking overalls,
And humble myself and
I will throw bricks
at you and charge at you.
I will destroy you
like you do me,
For what is my love
to you anyway,
But if I raise my
hand to you in anger,
Bust a camp in your
ass like you are so willing to do mine,
Who am I?
I am know better than
And I take the pain
and walk away,
Until I turn my back
and you stab it again.
I turn on the news
and it is another one laid out in the street.
Fuck calling the
ambulance, let them bleed, don’t cover them up,
Let the world see,
This could happen to
you, if you fuck with me.
I am the big bad
So, yeah, fuck it,
I want to start a
You will call me an
animal anyhow,
So black face, hoodie
cap, and black gloves,
Here we go,
Murder, murder
Kill, kill,
Now, I feel good that
it was you and not me,
But sad case is the
pain still will not heal,
And I just turned on
the news and it happen again,
I can’t keep starting
a war,
Wearing the same mask
as you.
My reflection can’t
keep reflecting you.
Damn it, it has to be
another way.
I will use my hands
and my mind to change things.
I will use my voice
to speak up.
I will humble myself
enough to say, you win, now, what do you want?
How can we better
serve you?
Is there anything we
can do?
Do you desire to see
us, or will you rather see us slang?
Do you even desire to
know my name?
Matasha Lee is my
birth name.
I am twenty-seven
years old.
You barely see me,
but I hug some of you, when I see you pass and go,
Because you taught me
about violence and staying away from drugs when I was in DARE,
You didn’t teach me
to fear you, you taught me to care,
Not just about myself
but another,
What happen to you?
Where are you, now?
When the world is
viewing you as the ones to hate!
We scream fuck the
police and you stand their shield,
What happen to you
being able to come to us, and speak?
Have you forgotten we
are those same children that sat in that room and listen to you say,
Don’t do drugs,
Do you remember when
you protected me even when I was wrong?
Chastised me so you
will never see me behind bars, and looked,
It worked, you never
saw me again.
I don’t want to start
a war that is my anger inside that just desire for it all to end.
I want to write a
story about the cop who went to his fellow man and said, how can we change
I am here for you and
by your side,
Let me be your guide.
Let’s clean up our
streets and do better today, so the world can see that we can change.
Our war will end when
love begins and we both put our weapons of unforgiveness down.
I’ll go first.