I started this blog in March and with every intent to build my story as an up and coming author. My focus was to let the people know who I am. I didn't know when I first submitted my manuscript that I needed to be out there letting people get to know me, basically introducing myself. I am very sacred person that doesn't really like to share the parts of me that I really love. Writing is a part of that, I have always kept everything to myself. I use to try to share myself when it came to writing but it didn't work out that well. I have had numerous amounts of writing that I contributed too and wrote, but it was thrown away. I literally had to start from scratch with new thoughts, so many times, and now I'm here: writing again, learning again, putting myself out there again. Writing, Music, Fashion, and Creativity has consistently been around at every stage of my life, no matter what I've faced, and no matter what I've been through. I have always had my gifts. It is like being abandoned on an island and I have nothing but my creativity, they always find a way to come back into my life, and comfort me.
I thought that I was introducing me as an author, but my creativity through writing, music, and fashion are greeting me again as if they are saying, "Welcome, home, we've missed you." I have went back to what I love and now, I get an opportunity to share it with a larger crowd. It is as if my creativity is cheering me on, "Show them what you are made of." "You got this." And, I do, I got this and I know that there is so much within just waiting to burst out. I am going to be starting on completing another book, and hopefully I will be sending two books out into the universe to be considered than one. I am still head over hills in love with The Bride and desire for anyone who can to be able to get the opportunity to go and read about the characters and the backstory. We all deserve love and a second chance. Each day we receive that opportunity to be forgiven and become our best selves, every day. There is not a time that we do not get that chance. We have to just accept it. London had to accept that she was forgiven and that she can forgive. She had to deal with so many things on her road to becoming The Bride, but she eventually dealt with it, and became her unique self so she can be able to give that part of her to someone else.
It is important to know that The Bride isn't just a story that I created out of my mind, but an experience that I had to deal with myself, the book is the gift out of me, into the world that says, hey, if I can get through it, London can get through it, my dad and Carl, then you can too. We all deserve our happily ever after. I started the book back in 2011 and finished writing it in 2012, and then completed it, last month 2015. It has been a journey and now, it is time for it to be released out. It no longer deserves to just collect dust.
I have also learned so far that rejection is healthy. I received my first rejection letter from a publishing company that didn't say my book was horrible, but they liked my concept that was created, it just didn't fit them. I was okay with that. The fact that they responded was my joy because I felt that I was finally being listened too. I was just the happy, scared writer when I sent them my manuscript, I didn't know what I was doing but I knew I couldn't let fear stand in my way. Now, I have to overcome disappointment, but every no leads to the direction of an yes, so, I know that God is leading me and this year, I will have my book or more in my hand. I will be promoting my book, and you will see me at a local bookstore near you signing you a copy, as we continue to go through this process together because books aren't my final say. I have so much that is just waiting its turn to come out to the forefront and shine. My gifts and talents have never abandoned me, no matter how much I try to push it away or bury it, it fines its way to scream at me, and say, "I am here, pay attention to me, I have the breath of life in me, in order for you to breathe and have newness of life is to explore every part of me." Sometimes, I find myself not being able to focus on what I love because materialistically I desire to do better, but it isn't that easy. Yet, I do not manage to complain, I know I am fighting tooth and nail to remain strong despite my circumstance, and stick with the road I am on.
Who am I, now: I am a struggling writer, dreamer, free-spirited person that dares to believe in her dreams and what can manifest from those dreams. I am building my story, one brick at a time, and every time I see someone supporting me, they are showing me that they care to help place a brick upon the building as well. They care enough to be there. My circle is widening due to the love and support I am receiving. There are people out there that need me and I need them.
My bricks are helping me to go from The Beauty of my story to The Beauty of my Soul. (Stay tune)
I will not be the only one in the building!
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