(This story was meant to be written as a short story for a writing opportunity. It didn't happen that way. My plans is to expand the story, in due time. Enjoy!)
The Whisper in the
Wind (Part 1) by Matasha Lee
“Do you love me,” Peter asked Alana, as they slept next
to each other under the night sky filled with stars? It is always filled with
stars. They live deep within the country where the wolves howl at night and the
ocean sits in the back with the light house calling out to the passengers on
sail boats and the captains on ships. She turns to look at him, leaning her
chin on his shoulder, she looks him in his eyes, and replies, “Always, and
don’t you ever forget it. Your name is written on my heart and it will never be
replaced.” “Do you think you will ever love another,” Peter asked? “Not in a
million years, don’t ask such things. I want only you, you understand. How
could I possibly leave me within you? I would feel abandoned and cold. I would
have restless, sleepless nights. I wouldn’t know how to pair my broken heart to
another,” Alana replied. “I will never leave you. I will always be by your
side. I love you, Alana,” Peter said as he gazed up into the sky. “Why do you
speak such way? Why do you gaze when you say you love me,” Alana asked? “No
reason,” Peter pulls Alana closer to him, and he long kisses her forehead, and
she rests her head on his chest.
“It is such a beautiful night, isn’t it,” Peter said?
“With you, always,” Alana replied. “The moon seems brighter tonight, and the
hills seem wider. I can hear the waves upon the ocean bank. I can hear your
heart beat speak to me so clearly,” Peter said with tears rushing down his
face. “Peter, you’re scaring me, what is the matter,” Alana said frightened?
“Nothing dear, I’m just awakened to my environment that is all,” Peter replied.
“Why do you cry,” Alana asked? Peter pauses. His tongue can’t reach a word. He
just pulls Alana even closer to him. “You remember the night we met at the dance
over on Wood Meadows Drive at my friend, Noah’s place. His parents were away
for the weekend, and he snuck to have some friends over. You were so beautiful
that night in your sweetheart neckline dress; it was as blue as the sky. You
were the only one in the room with that dress on. Your red, sun-kissed
hair flowed down with a red tint lipstick upon your lips. Your face radiated
with light. I was so afraid to speak with you, and I knew I had fell in love
with you, right then. I remember walking by you and slipping you a note. It was
my first letter I gave to you. I asked you, “Will
you like to come and dance with me, under the moon. Meet me there.” I stood
under the moon waiting for your light to meet it. I knew you guys would shine
together. It was a full moon that night. We laid under his willow tree as its
dew dripped upon our heads. You came to me and said, “My name is Alana, nice to
meet you.” I said, “My name is Peter. I didn’t want to speak to you with
everyone around and I saved you a dance out here. You look so beautiful. You
are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever met in my life.” “I stared at
your big brown eyes as they twinkled in the night. You smiled at me. Your teeth
were as white as the snow that falls in the December morning. I asked you would
you like to sit with me. You replied, yes. We talked until everyone left his
home and they forgotten we were there. So much so, that your friend became
worried. Penelope and Noah went looking for us. It was one of the best nights of
my life. I knew I loved you then, and I was going to do whatever it took to
keep you always near to my heart, physically, emotionally, and spiritually,”
Peter said. “I remember that night as well. I saw you when I first entered but
I didn’t want to speak with anyone. Penelope had convinced me to go, but I was
too nervous to mingle. I really desired to find a quiet space to be
alone until the night ended. Your note was my escape out of the crowd. It was
as if you could hear my heart racing at the speed of light, and desired to
offer me some comfort. I was very grateful for it. When I saw you standing
under the moon you looked like heaven to me like God was smiling on me through
you. I loved your smile. I still do. You were so gentle with your hands when
you touched me and your cologne lit up my senses. I just wanted to be under you
all night. When I received the pleasure too, I was so thrilled. Your kindness
and gestures magnified my night. It was one of the best nights of my life as
well. And, Penelope called my mom because she became so frightened. I didn’t
even here my phone ring. I was so wrapped up in you, I just couldn’t escape the
feeling,” Alana replied. “Peter, why do you weep, so,” Alana asked? “I never
knew love could feel so good and life the same. I just want to lay hear with
you, forever,” Peter said. “You have me forever. Don’t worry, I will not speak.
I desire to listen to your heart rhythm too. Let’s lie here until we have
decided that our night is complete,” Alana said. “Let’s pray,” Peter suggests.
Alana agrees. “Father, God, thank you for your mercy and kindness, continue to
cover your children with hope and love and shower us with your grace as we
continue to show our gratitude in being the best servants of your Love that we
can possibly be. Thank you for Alana, she means the world to me. You brought me
my soul mate at an early age, so I can experience real love. Keep her safe if
something was to ever happen to me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen,” Peter said.
Alana didn’t want to ask Peter again what was wrong. She knew he didn’t want
her to worry, but she couldn’t help but to take notice of his behavior and the
way he spoke. She wanted to know what troubled his heart, especially when he
gazed off into the sky, but whatever it was, she needed to soak in the moment
she had with him, now, before the roosters crowed, and the morning sun creeps
behind its shadows. Alana climbed on top of Peter, as she sat upon his lamp,
the wind began to whistle. Peter asked her what the matter was, she replied with
no words, just a smile, and she leaned in to kiss him. He accepted her warm
embrace and gently kissed her back until it became passionate, and they made
love right under the light of the night, as lightning bugs danced around their camp
In the morning, Alana slipped back on her floral pattern
dress that zipped in the back. Peter awoke just to help her put on her
garments. He was friendly with his hands and as gentle as a baby’s touch. When
he first treated her in that way she didn’t know how to respond to it. She
could put her own shoe on and it took her a while, but she could get the zipper
up just right, barely reaching the top. She thrived on her independent spirit,
and now she had a lover that was more than willing to lend a helping hand, it
took her a while, but she eventually gave in, and let him, help her. She, now,
stands in place, ready for him to zip her up, and help her place on each shoe,
as he whispers to her, “You are so beautiful.” He loved seeing her natural
beauty in the morning. She hated it because she couldn’t see what he saw. He
loved the crust in her left eye, the white stain on the side of her face he
even kissed her before Crest reached her teeth. He truly loved her when she
thought she was beautiful and even when she didn’t. He wasn’t ashamed to let
her know and the world, that she was his one and only. He didn’t dare look at
another in her presences. She was the only one he saw. “Did you sleep well,” he
asked her? “I did, and you,” she replied? “I did, but I hardly slept. I went to
sleep when you closed your eyes, but then I awoke, and just stared at you
sleeping. You seemed so at peace without a care in the world,” he replied. “It
was because I laid next to you,” she said. He smiled. “Do you have to work
today,” Peter asked? Alana was a school teacher, and she helped Miss Sally on
the weekends, in the morning, in her garden. “Miss Sally went out of town. I am
going to go and check on my mother and father, and see how they are. We can
meet up, later, if you like,” Alana replied. “I will love too, by the oak tree.
I can push you in the swing and we can eat lunch together,” he replied. “Your
way of loving me is so romantic,” Alana said.
They departed from one another and Alana went to her mom
and pops’ place to visit with them on a rainy morning. “It is cold out there,”
Alana said shivering into the house. “You baking mom, it smells like fresh
bread,” Alana asked. “Yes, honey bee,” Mrs. Waters said. Honey bee is a name
her mom gave to her daughter from her dad. Mrs. Waters’ dad was a bee keeper,
and she knew that if she ever had a daughter she was going to name her after
the bubble bees that she saw and watched after as a child. “Have you eaten,”
Mrs. Waters asked? “No, mom, I just came from being with Peter. We stayed
together throughout the night. Mom, he is one of the best things that have ever
happened to me,” Alana replies as she star gazes into a day dream. “He is a
great guy too. I like how he treats you, and if he respects my daughter, he is
alright with me. As long as he always keeps his hands to himself,” Mr. Waters
chimes in. “He is gentle with me daddy, very gentle,” Alana replied. “Snap out
of it, child. I should be hearing wedding bells soon, should I,” Mrs. Waters
asked? “In due season, ma. You will be the first one to know,” Alana replied
ignoring her mom. “I want me some grand babies. Your grapes going to turn into
prunes after a while, and what will you be worth then,” Mrs. Waters said. Alana
spits her water out at her mom’s statement, “Mom, he will love me still, rather
my rivers flow or not, rather I feel little feet kick upon my belly or not,
that man of mine will love me until my dying days,” Alana replied. “Is that so,
Alana,” Mrs. Waters ask? “It is so, mother, and it will always be so,” Alana
replies. Before Mrs. Waters could get another sentence out, Mr. Waters quieted
her down, “Leave that child alone, Mary, let her wings grow first. She has to
experience love for herself, just like you received the opportunity too.” “Oh,
hush, Joe, I am just trying to look out for her,” Mary replies, frustrated.
“You have done enough, ma, and I am grateful for what you have done,” Alana
replied, but before she could get another word out, knocks ranged at the door.
“Child, who is that beating on our door like a bat out of hell,” Mrs. Waters
ask? “I will see, mother,” Alana replies. “Penelope, what is it,” Alana ask?
She sees her friend shattered and tears are flowing down her face. “I’ve been
trying to reach you, Lana,” Penelope replies. “What is it, what happen,” Alana
asked in fear? “There has been an accident, Lana,” she replies. “With who, talk
to me, Penelope,” Alana is now frustrated. “He’s gone, Lana,” Penelope says,
she just can’t stop crying. “Who, Penelope, who,” Alana is now panicking.
“Peter, he was struck by a car,” she replies. Penelope couldn’t say another
word before Alana interrupted, “Well, I must go and see about him. Yeah, he
will be okay. Right, right, he will be okay, right,” Alana asked while getting
dressed with nothing to grab, placing on an invisible coat. “No, Lana, he is
gone. He’s dead, Lana,” Penelope bursts with overwhelming sadness. Alana rocks
back and forth, she tried to keep her cool, but, “Grab her,” Mary tells Joe.
Alana falls to the ground, and begins to sob, uncontrollably. “No, daddy, no,”
Alana weeps. “No, why,” she continues her sorrow. “Why, daddy,” Alana continues
as her daddy holds her tight. He hates to see his baby girl so ruined. “Why,”
Alana doesn’t want to grasp what is happening, but she feels her heart ripping
down the middle, and the pain of knifes piercing at her skin. She felt part of
her leave her body, and she no longer felt whole.
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(not my image, https://yndeed.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/sad.jpg) |
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